Since its inception, the Fondazione Giorgio Cini has accompanied its research and promotion of Italian and Venetian culture with conservation of the archive wealth it holds. This is a documentary treasure of inestimable cultural value containing more than ninety collections with more than five million documents, photographs and books.
Suitably appreciating such material means on one hand making it fully accessible to the community of scholars and enthusiasts, on the other to ensuring its perfect conservation and durability. The use of the most advanced information technology is a fundamental aid in this task and the Foundation has for years been digitalising its archives. This is why in 2014 a systematic computerisation campaign was begun with the aim of digitalising and making an inventory of the Foundation's collections and archives, carried out by creating the OPAC as a tool for the community.
The solution identified for this purpose led to the construction of a DIGITAL ARCHIVE based on xDams, a documentary platform dedicated to the analytical filing, description and management of different types of material and information, digital attachments, images (tiff, jpeg), audio-visuals, pdf files and so on. The xDams software is capable of using the data and metadata referred to it according to national and international standards and can be interfaced with other systems.
There is also a plan to set up a laboratory for computerisation, a point of reference for the acquisition of materials according to consolidated guidelines on the standards of the sector.
The Istituto di Storia dell'Arte holds a considerable number of documentary and photographic archives linked, in particular, to important figures in the history of art, such as Giuseppe Fiocco and Rodolfo Pallucchini, directors of the institute from 1954 to 1971 and from 1972 to 1989, who entrusted the Foundation with the task of conserving their own materials.
The Istituto per la Musica holds collections of composers and figures of the Italian musical world active between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twenty-first. The plurality of languages and techniques with which they expressed themselves (from late-Romantic symphonic style to serialism, from Neo-classicism to theatre and audio-visual experimentation) and their different fields of interest are documented by handwritten and printed materials: notes, outlines, sketches, drafts and scores relating to instrumental, vocal and electronic music for dance, theatre, cinema, radio and television.
The Istituto per il Teatro e il Melodramma promotes the scientific research and promotion of the show in specific spheres such as the history of the actor, of melodrama, of dance, of set design and of theatre and music iconography. In recent years the Institute has added some successful creative efforts to its conservation vocation, organising theatre shows with important artists and obtaining considerable public success.
The Fondazione Giorgio Cini's Istituto Interculturale di Studi Musicali Comparati (IISMC), founded by Alain Daniélou in 1969, has promoted courses, seminars, conferences and shows on the different music of the world and an intercultural approach to music studies since its inception.
The Istituto Italiano Antonio Vivaldi, founded by Antonio Fanna in 1947 and made part of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini in 1978, conserves, in copy, all the music - period manuscripts and prints - composed by Antonio Vivaldi, and modern editions of these, monographic essays and extensive audio and video documentation available to scholars for consultation.
The Istituto per la Storia della Società e dello Stato Veneziano was founded in 1955 to promote the most discerning and cognizant study of the Venetian state and society in its various aspects. An arc of time was thus taken into consideration from the dawn of a still embryonic Venice in the Byzantine sphere through to the full sovereignty of a ruling city and on to the dissolution, in 1797, of the Most Serene Republic.
The Archive of the Centro Studi del Vetro, founded in 2012 as part of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini's Istituto di Storia dell'Arte, is a wealth drawn from the historic archive and art collections of Venetian Murano glassworks and consists mainly of drawings, designs, papers, documentation, production catalogues, press releases and period photographic reproductions.
The Centre is the natural development of the existing "Venezia e l'Oriente" institute, which was founded in 1958 with the primary aim of promoting study of the civilisations of India and the Far East. Over the years it has been the hub of an ongoing dialogue between East and West, between different peoples, civilisations and religions and a point of reference for scholars from all over the world thanks to its very rich library, seminars, conferences and publications.
Of the many collections and private archives acquired by the Foundation, the Literary Archives are of particular interest. Mainly made up of correspondences, they contain materials and documents concerning leading figures of Italian and European culture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (Gabriele d'Annunzio, Giovanni Pascoli, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Diego Valeri, Giovanni Comisso, Stefan Zweig, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, etc.).