Istituto Italiano Antonio Vivaldi / Edizioni critiche ufficiali, manoscritti su foto e microfilm, articoli su Antonio Vivaldi

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Titolo:The Sacred Music of Antonio Lotti
Integrazione al titolo:PhD thesis
Cronologia: 2016
Tipologia documentaria:materiale a stampa
Tipologia specifica: monografia
Descrizione fisica:
  • 1 vol.

Dati opera

Area del contenuto

Abstract:This thesis surveys the surviving manuscript sources of Antonio Lotti's works to produce a complete catalogue of his extant sacred music. It also collates the known biographical details of Lotti (including proof of his birth in Venice) and those of his wife, Santa Stella. It defines the extent to which Lotti's compositions can be dated and the extent to which institutions for which they were written can be identified. It documents idiomatic patterns in his compositions, in terms of structure, scoring, rhythmic, melodic and harmonic devices and the reuse of material. Having identified key components of Lotti's style, it argues that the attribution of some works to Lotti is spurious. The thesis goes on to investigate the shared musical heritage of Lotti's contemporaries, such as Vivaldi, Biffi and Caldara, and the ways in which their music differs. It also accounts for Lotti's influence on Handel, Bach, Vivaldi and his own students, such as Galuppi, Saratelli and Alberti. Particularly, it argues that Lotti's setting of Dixit Dominus in A was the model for Handel's setting of the same text; it also suggests some influence from Lotti's works on Bach, principally in his setting of the B minor mass.
Stato di conservazione:stato di conservazione buono
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