Istituto di Storia dell'Arte

Luca Massimo Barbero

Centro Studi del Vetro
Tel.: +39 041 2710238

Marzia Scalon (
Sabina Tutone (

The Archive of the Centro Studi del Vetro, founded in 2012 as part of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini's Istituto di Storia dell'Arte, is a wealth drawn from the historic archive and art collections of Venetian Murano glassworks and consists mainly of drawings, designs, correspondence, documentation, production catalogues, press releases and period photographs.
Unique and very rare materials, they are sources of historic, artistic and scientific reference not only for researchers and enthusiasts of glass but also for the appreciation and relaunch of glass art, in particular of the twentieth century, and the creation of educational courses in association with schools and universities. The creation of a general archive of Venetian glass, with the continuous implementation, cataloguing and conservation of the collections, also involves the Centre in a systematic campaign of exchanges of the publications, purchases and donations that flow into its specialist library, and in the organisation of seminars and conferences for scholars and artists interested in the history, technologies and developments of glass art.

Emmanuel Babled

The Emmanuel Babled collection contains sixteen designs for the Primaire collection presented at the Clara Scremini Gallery in Paris from 9 September 1999 to 9 October 1999. The models chosen for the collection were hand blown by the Venini glassworks in spring 1999.

Dino Martens

The Dino Martens collection contains 345 designs made for the Aureliano Toso glassworks in Murano, ordered chronologically and following the model number. Various groups of designs for a single project are also collected in specific series. The many archived designs include those for glass pieces that were shown in important exhibitions, such as the Venice Biennale, the Fondazione Bevilacqua la...

Ginny Ruffner

The Ginny Ruffner collection is made up of several types of material whose iconographic core is 52 designs made during the artist's residence in Murano in 1989 and produced by the Vistosi glassworks the same year. The documentation includes postcards, invitations, gallery brochures, catalogues and press release articles relating to various exhibitions of the artist's work from 1987 to 2014.

Peter Shire

The archive consists mainly of iconographic material accompanied by photographs, some predominantly personal letters and faxes, and manuscripts with work notes from the Murano glassworks dating from between 1997 and 1999. Iconographic archive Peter Shire's designs for glass sculptures made between 1988 and 1989 by the Vistosi glassworks and some subsequent ones dating from between 1997 and ...

Vinicio Vianello

Vinicio Vianello (Venice, 1923 - Zelarino-VE 1999), a multi-faceted artist-designer who belonged to the Spatialist movement, while remaining in a transverse position to the "official" artistic current, was one of the most complex and significant figures of the postwar period. Constantly aimed at free experimentation, one of the main purposes of his singular inquiry was the study and treatmen...

Seguso Vetri d'Arte

The Seguso Vetri d'Arte archive is distinguished by the richness and breadth of its materials: in fact, the iconographic corpus, divided into Art Glass, Lighting, and Special Projects, gathers more than 22,000 documents, including preparatory sketches, plates, plans, and furnace drawings. The drawings are executed with multiple techniques, from watercolor to pastel to charcoal. 


Access to the Archives
Consultation is by appointment, on request sent to, from Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 1 pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm.
Consultation of the documents is subject to the regulations in force, with particular reference to the decree law 196 of 30 June 2003 ("Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali"), decree law 42 of 22 January 2004 ("Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio") and subsequent amendments.

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