Istituto di Studi Musicali Comparati / Fondo Danièlou

Area dell'identificazione

Tipo titolo:proprio
Cronologia: 30 gennaio 1953 , Data di copiatura
Tipologia documentaria:manoscritti
Tipologia specifica: Sangita
Descrizione fisica:
  • 48 ff., 347 x 231 mm
Collocazione: IISMC
segnatura precedente: Ms 781.167 (Segnatura Dewey)

Dati opera

Area del contenuto

F. [3], 48 (each f. preceded and followed by guard f.), [4]; 34,7 x 23,1 x 1,5 cm; paper bound, blue ink with red pencil corrections.
Good state of preservation; incomplete.


Indexing information on the back of the front cover; 1 small f. (ms) with names of ṛṣi glued to the last f.; 1 f. (tw) with authors/instruments mentioned index glued to the guard f. at the end.

Incipit (f. 1):

॥ श्री गुरूभ्योनमः ॥ श्रीगणपतयेनमः ॥ प्रणिपत्य महेशानी शम्भुमासीन
मंनिके ॥ प्रपच्ध तत्वतो ब्रूटि नादंास्त्वद्रूप संभवान् ॥ १ ॥
ईश्वरउवाच ॥ भूतोत्पत्तिं प्रवक्ष्यामि देतोत्पत्तिं च पार्वति ॥
विना तयोः परितानं सम्मक् सानं न बुध्यते ॥ २ ॥

Explicit (f. 47-48):

एकामेव भगीरथो भुवि नदींगंगाम……लोकेस्तिन् भुवनैभवीर
भवता नधश्च तिस्रः कृताः ॥
आघारे लिंगनादै र्हदय सरसिजे तालभूले ललारे ।
व्देपभेषोऽशा……व्दिदशदशदले व्दादशार्थे चतुष्के ॥

Contents: A concise work on different musical topics and dance, probably written in the first centuries of the Christian era, but commonly dated 9th-10th cent. It is mentioned in Kallinātha's commentary to Saṅgīta-ratnākara. The text is presented as a dialogue between Śiva and Pārvati, and it is divided into 38 small ch. This copy has several missing words.
Lingua:Sanskrit, Devanāgarī.
Stato di conservazione:buono
Esistenza e localizzazione degli originali:Original Ms n. 78, cat. n. 329, 130 p., modern copy made in 1919 from a Madras Ms; complete.
Luogo di conservazione degli originali: Pune
Ente in cui sono conservati gli originali: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
Note:According to DN, ʻUmāpati's work referred to by Raghunātha [the King of Tanjore] is probably of the 14th cent. A.D.ʼ.
Riferimenti bibliografici:Aumāpatam, a cura di K. Vasudeva Śāstrī, in «Madras Governement Oriental Series 129», Madras, 1957

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