definizione: stampa


identificazione: Diogene
titolo parallelo: Diogenes



sec. XVI, secondo quarto
1527 ca. - 1530 ca.



primo stato


xilografia; chiaroscuro; mm 485 x 360 ca.
materia del supporto: carta






tipologia: indicazione di responsabilità
tecnica di scrittura: a stampa
tipo di caratteri: lettere capitali
posizione: in basso a sinistra, nel libro


tipologia: timbro a inchiostro, di collezione
posizione: in basso a sinistra
descrizione: Stemma borbonico e iscrizione "Biblioteca Nacional" entro ovale
Biblioteca Nacional de España (Lugt 4105)

vedi scheda stemma

tipologia: timbro a inchiostro, di collezione
posizione: in basso a sinistra
descrizione: Aquila e iscrizione "Biblioteca Nacional" entro ovale
Biblioteca Nacional de España (Lugt 4110)

vedi scheda stemma


Chiaroscuro woodcut from 4 blocks, light blue/green-blue/green/gray, i state Inscription: “FRANCISCVS/ PARMEN./ PER/ VGO. CARP” in the light tone block

State i/iii: with the shading in the thigh in the third darkest block intact

State ii/iii: with the shading in the high removed; the shading in the darkest block to the left of Diogenes’s shoulder intact

State iii/iii: the shading to the left of Diogenes’s shoulder removed (in posthumous printings, the blocks wear further, including breaks in the darkest block in Diogenes’s stick, in the book, etc.)

See comment in ALU.0962.1 from Naoko Takahatake, The Chiaroscuro Woodcut in Renaissance Italy, exhibition catalogue, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, June-September 2018, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C, October 2018-January 2019, DelMonico Books/Prestel, Munich-London-New York, 2018, pp.100-103.

Other impressions of state i/iii:

-Blanton Museum of Art 2005.16: light blue/ green-blue/green/gray (wmk: Letter N in a Circle, ALU.0962.1)

-BNE INVENT/41162: greens/gray (wmk: Letter N in a Circle, ALU.0962.2)

-Ashmolean WA 1863.1692: greens/gray (wmk: Letter N in a Circle) https://collections.ashmolean.org/object/292061

-SLAM 23:1984 (wmk: Letter N in a Circle)

-V&A 16323: greens/gray (wmk: Letter N in a Circle) http://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O656832/diogenes-print-parmagianino-girolamo-francesco/

-Hammer UCLA

-Grunwald 1962.19.79: blues/gray

-MFA 64.1085: greens/gray https://collections.mfa.org/objects/167842/diogenes?ctx=297c9292-0758-4f4e-80d8-0fd9f8d42565&idx=0

-Chatsworth vol. IV, fol. 91, no. 119 (partial break in the thigh shading, state ia/iii): greens/gray

Impressions of state ii/iii (with shading to left of shoulder):

-MMA 17.50.1: gray-greens/black (wmk: siren in a circle) https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/354611

-ENSBA: blues/black

-Windsor: greens/black

-RCIN 830796 https://www.rct.uk/collection/search#/30/collection/830796/diogenes

-Cleveland 1923.1052 https://www.clevelandart.org/art/1923.1052

-ETH D.8

-Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich https://doi.org/10.16903/ethz-grs-D_000008

-PMA 1985-52-64: https://philamuseum.org/collections/permanent/30083.html?mulR=939883108|23

-PMA 1985-52-320: https://philamuseum.org/collections/permanent/30080.html?mulR=809837909|18

-Albertina DG 2002/522: olives/black https://sammlungenonline.albertina.at/?query=search=/record/objectnumbersearch=[DG2002%2f522]&showtype=record

-Albertina Baselitz Collection (Gnann 2013, no. 53): olives/darkgray

-Fondation Custodia 1972-P.47: greens/dark gray

-Kirk Edward Long Collection

State iii/iii (including late printings):

-LACMA M.2001.176, in tan/light green/medium green/gray, early state iii/iii (wmk Letter N in a Circle) https://collections.lacma.org/node/187395

-NGA 1997.15.1: light green/medium green/brown/dark brown https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.94385.html

-Frankfurt 34004 browns/black

-Budapest 6153: olive/green/brown/black http://printsanddrawings.hu/search/prints/6153/

-Budapest 6152: yellow/browns/black http://printsanddrawings.hu/search/prints/6152/

-Private Collection, Venice: light brown/greens/gray

-BnF BD 5A: browns/black

-Cleveland 1923.1052: light blue/green-blue/green/gray https://www.clevelandart.org/art/1923.1052

-Escorial 28-1-19, fol 101: yellow/ocher-orange/brown-orange/black https://rbmecat.patrimonionacional.es/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=31862&query_desc=kw%2Cwrdl%3A%20ugo%20da%20carpi

-Harvard G7486: light brown/orange/brown/black (wmk: eage in circle) https://hvrd.art/o/273271

-MFA Boston 64.1086: light green/browns/gray https://collections.mfa.org/objects/167847/diogenes?ctx=90ca89f6-1239-45cc-a499-5182ee8e1e96&idx=0

-MFA Boston 64.1087: browns/black (eagele with crown in a circle) https://collections.mfa.org/objects/167854/diogenes?ctx=8862a738-486a-4851-95e2-7a8c8da5a272&idx=0

-Marucelliana XXXV,1: oily browns/black

-Munich 18530: olives

-GDSU 61 st.sc: beige/greens/black

-Rijksmuseum RP-P-OB-31.273: browns/black (eagele with crown in a circle) http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.51334

-Rijksmuseum RP-P-OB-31.053: browns/black (eagele with crown in a circle) http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.51331

-LACMA M.88.91.18: yellow/browns/black https://collections.lacma.org/node/170853

-BM W,4.87: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/P_W-4-87

-PMA 1985-52-170: https://philamuseum.org/collections/permanent/30082.html

-PMA 1985-52-585: https://philamuseum.org/collections/permanent/30081.html

-Cantor 1996.331

-Kirk Edward Long

-Albertina HB 33 2 317: gray/olive (wormholes)

-Albertina DG 2002/520: browns/black (wormholes) https://sammlungenonline.albertina.at/?query=search=/record/objectnumbersearch=[DG2002%2f520]&showtype=record

-Albertina: gray-olives/black (early)

-Albertina DG 2002/521: blues/black https://sammlungenonline.albertina.at/?query=search=/record/objectnumbersearch=[DG2002%2f521]&showtype=record

-Fondation Custodia inv. 8186

-Proprietà privata, Firenze https://catalogo.beniculturali.it/detail/HistoricOrArtisticProperty/0900287863

State iii/iii printed by the F on Three Mounts printer in oily browns/green/black:

-ENSBA Est Mas 80 -BM 1859,0414.81

-MMA 22.73.3-19 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/337059

-Harvard M9808 (possibly this edition) https://hvrd.art/o/254755

-MFA P1690 https://collections.mfa.org/objects/109714/diogenes?ctx=c56f2d1d-f677-41fc-ba5a-d07831e9ecfc&idx=0

-BM 1859.0709.2376 (possibly this edition) https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/P_1859-0709-2376

Impressions to be determined:

- Pavia, Musei Civici https://www.lombardiabeniculturali.it/stampe/schede/F0130-00309/

-Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, A 1922/19

-Austin, Blanton Museum of Art, 2005.16 https://blanton.emuseum.com/objects/17006/diogenes-after-parmigianino?ctx=4d381aed98c6ae4b555a3b536eae72675861225d&idx=214


tipologia: fotografia digitale
ente proprietario: Madrid, BNE ©


Bartsch A., Le peintre graveur, Vienne, 1803-1821, v. XII, p. 100, n. 10


Wind E., "Homo Platonis", Journal of the Warburg Institute, 1938, 261, p. 261
Janson H.W., "The case of the naked chicken", College art journal, 1955, 124-127, pp. 124–127
Popham A.E., "Observations on Parmigianino's designs for Chiaroscuro woodcuts", Miscellanea I. Q. van Regteren Altena, Amsterdam, 1969, pp. 48-51, p. 50
Trotter W.H., Chiaroscuro woodcuts of the circles of Raphael and Parmigianino a study in reproductive graphics, The Univ. of North Carolina, 1974, p. 164
Johnson J., "I chiaroscuri di Ugo da Carpi", in Print Collector - Il conoscitore di stampe, Milano, 1982, pp. 77-82, n. 15
Landau D./ Parshall P., The Renaissance Print 1470-1550, New Haven-London, 1994, p. 154
Franklin D., The art of Parmigianino, New Haven, 2003, p. 143, nn. 32–33
Ekserdjian D., Parmigianino, New Haven, 2006, pp. 216–239
Ekserdjian D., "Two drawings by Parmigianino for prints", Master drawings, 2008, pp. 367-373, pp. 369–272
, Ugo da Carpi. L'opera incisa. Xilografie e chiaroscuri da Tiziano, Raffaello e Parmigianino, Carpi, 2009, p. 166 (Rossi M.)
Takahatake N., "Ugo da Carpi. Review of Ugo da Carpi, l'opera incisa: Xilografie e chiarsocuri da Tiziano, Raffaello e Parmigianino, edited by M. Rossi", in Print Quarterly, London, 2010, XVII, 2010, 3, pp. 317-321, p. 321
Gnann A., In Farbe! Clair-obscur-Holzschnitte der Renaissance - Meisterwerke aus der Sammlung Georg Baselitz und der Albertina in Wien, Monaco, 2013, pp. 139–40, nn. 53-55
Takahatake N., "Ugo da Carpi's "Diogenes"", Printing colour 1400 - 1700, Leiden, 2015, pp. 116-122, pp. 116–122
Stiber Morenus L./ Eng C.W./ Takahatake N./ Rambaldi D.C., "Sixteenth -and Seventeenth- Century Italian Chiaroscuro Woodcut: Instrumental Analysis, Degradation and Conservation", in Journal of the American Institute of Conservation, 2015, pp. 238-271, p. 266
Gabbarelli J., "A solid mistake. An early state of Caraglio's Diogenes after Parmigianino", Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute, 2017, 231-241, pp. 231–235, 240–241
Takahatake N., The Chiaroscuro Woodcut in Renaissance Italy, Los Angeles, 2018, pp. 100-103 (Takahatake N.) 



Takahatake N., 2020
Takahatake N., Atlante delle xilografie italiane del Rinascimento, ALU.0962.2, https://archivi.cini.it/storiaarte/detail/47197/stampa-47197.html, ISBN 978-88-96445-24-2


Battagliotti L. Battagliotti L., 2023 2025
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