Istituto per il Teatro e il Melodramma

Maria Ida Biggi

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The library of Luigi Squarzina (Livorno, 18 February 1922 - Rome, 8 October 2010) contains 5000 books that the maestro collected over the course of almost seventy years of artistic life. They include an extensive bibliography of and on Shakespeare and Elizabethan theatre, along with numerous texts on the avant-garde theatre of the twentieth century, particularly Russian and German, including many rare DDR publications of the time and texts on and by Bertolt Brecht. There are many bibliographic rarities, including the French edition in sixteen volumes of the works of Henrik Ibsen translated by P.G. La Chesnais in 1914, here in the 1930s edition, and the precious collection of works by Georges Feydeau, in addition to first or rare editions of the writings of leading directors such as Edward Gordon Craig, Stanislavsky, Adolphe Appia, Antonin Artaud and Alfred Jarry. There are also many books on Italian minor dramatics of the early twentieth century, on contemporary Italian authors from the postwar period to the present and on the major and minor American theatre, such as Miller, the two O'Neils, Kingsley, Gibson and Thompson.

In October 2012, the Istituto per il Teatro e il Melodramma (at the time Centro Studi per la Ricerca Documentale sul Teatro e il Melodramma Europeo) organized the International Study Conference Luigi Squarzina studioso, drammaturgo e regista teatrale in collaboration with the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

During the conference, along with many scholars and specialists in the sector, artists and collaborators of Squarzina have spoken, bringing testimonies and memories of their work with him:

­ Franco Graziosi performed Henry VI's monologue from Il gioco dei potenti by Giorgio Strehler (1965);

­ Paola Gassman read a letter belonging to the private correspondence between her father Vittorio and Luigi Squarzina;

­ Omero Antonutti played different characters from Cinque giorni al porto by Luigi Squarzina (1969);

­ Tullio Solenghi remembered Squarzina and his relationship with the trio Marchesini-Solenghi-Lopez;

­ Gabriele Lavia talked about the essence of theatre and the relationship between Squarzina and his actors;

­ Paola Mannoni performed scenes from Romagnola by Luigi Squarzina (1959);

­ Giancarlo Zanetti performed a sequence from Tartufo of Molière-Bulgakov-Squarzina (1976);

­ Ugo Pagliai read a letter of notes on Hamlet written by Vittorio Gassman to Luigi Squarzina;

­ Carlo Quartucci remembered anecdotes of his work in the theatre with Squarzina

During the conference, in the spaces of Fondazione Giorgio Cini, the Istituto set up also the exhibition Bozzetti di scena, figurini e modellini delle regie di Luigi Squarzina.

In 2014, in collaboration with the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, the Istituto published the Conference proceedings; the book presentation took place in November 2014 at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei headquarters in Rome. In the same year, in collaboration with Università Ca' Foscari and Accademia Teatrale Veneta, the Istituto organized a staged reading of Tre quarti di luna, a youthful text by Luigi Squarzina (1949).

The director's archive of documents is currently held at Fondazione Gramsci di Roma. Visit the website dedicated to Luigi Squarzina.




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