Italian Institute Antonio Vivaldi / Fondo supporti sonori

identification data

livello : documento
type of material : musica
category : classica
title proper : La Stravaganza
complemento del titolo : 12 Concertos, op. 4

recordiing information

paese : GB
località : Londra
place : St Barnaba's Church
date : maggio 1986

edition info

place : Londra
editor : Decca
etichetta : Editions de l'Oiseau-Lyre
pubblicazione : pubblicazione monografica
date : 1987



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number : 1-3
description : Concerto op. 4 no. 1 in B flat major

number : 4-6
description : Concerto op. 4 no. 2 in E minor

number : 7-9
description : Concerto op. 4 no. 3 in G major

number : 10-12
description : Concerto op. 4 no. 4 in A minor

number : 13-15
description : Concerto op. 4 no. 5 in A major

number : 16-18
description : Concerto op. 4 no. 6 in G minor

number : 1-4
description : Concerto op. 4 no. 7 in C major
notes : RV 185

number : 5-7
description : Concerto op. 4 no. 8 in D minor

number : 8-10
description : Concerto op. 4 no. 9 in F major

number : 11-13
description : Concerto op. 4 no. 10 in C minor

number : 14-16
description : Concerto op. 4 no. 11 in D major
notes : RV 204

number : 17-19
description : Concerto op. 4 no. 12 in G major

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