Study Centre for Documentary Research into European Theatre and Opera

performance area

title: Manon Lescaut
form genre :Dramma lirico in quattro atti
main responsibilities:
other responsibilities:
city theater: Ferrara / Teatro Comunale

Area oggetto iconografico

iconographic typology: Bozzetto
subject heading: Alba sulla spiaggia
other subject info:
  • Riva di mare. Albeggia
act scene: Atto IV
authorial responsibility:
substance and technique of creation: Matita, penna, pennello, inchiostro nero, acquerello colorato / carta
  • 281 x 410 mm
handwritten notes:
  • In alto, al centro: "Ferrara Manon Lescaut Massent Ult. S."
state of preservation: Ottimo
place of preservation: I-Vmc
physical location: Bertoja, vol. V n. 508

Area documento di catalogazione

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