Study Centre for Documentary Research into European Theatre and Opera

performance area

title: Carnaval
form genre :balletto
setting description:Fasching. Schwänke auf vier Noten für Pianoforte von Florestan, 1834-5, orchestraz. O. Singer.
main responsibilities:
other responsibilities:
characters and performers :
date: 03 marzo 1935
city theater: Budapest / Mágyar Királyi Operaház

Area oggetto iconografico

iconographic typology: Foto di scena
subject heading: Interpreti sulla scena
authorial responsibility:
substance and technique of creation: Stampa gelatina ai sali d'argento / carta
  • 108 x 147 mm
place of preservation: I-Vgc, ITM
physical location: Fondo Aurel Milloss

Area documento di catalogazione